Public and Products Liability
Legal Liability for Third Party Bodily Injury/Disease and/or Property Damage arising out of an occurrence in the course of the business.
Professional Indemnity
Legal Liability for Third Party Financial Loss arising out of a breach of professional duty in the course of the business.
Contract Works Insurance
Cover for damage to the Insured Property from a cause not specifically excluded, occurring at the site of the Insured Operations or at Offsite Storage or in transit within the Territorial Limits.
Motor Vehicle
Cover for damage to the Insured Property from a cause not specifically excluded, occurring at the site of the Insured Operations or at Offsite Storage or in transit within the Territorial Limits.
Workers’ Compensation
Waco Australasia has Workers’ Compensation insurance in all states and territories; covering liabilities arising under statute, common law or civil law in relation to the death of, or injury to an employee of the insured.
Certificate’s of Currency for Workers’ Compensation policies are available upon request.